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Elemental analyzer iso TOC cube for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzer vario PYRO cube for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzer vario ISOTOPE cube for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzer vario ISOTOPE select for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzer iso TOC cube for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzer vario PYRO cube for EA-IRMS
Inlets for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzers optimized for stable isotope analysis
Inlets for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzers optimized for stable isotope analysis
Inlets for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzers optimized for stable isotope analysis
Inlets for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzers optimized for stable isotope analysis
Inlets for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzers optimized for stable isotope analysis
Inlets for EA-IRMS
Elemental analyzers optimized for stable isotope analysis
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Elemental analyzer isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA-IRMS)

The combination of elemental analysis (EA) with isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) has allowed the explosion of stable isotope analysis across a broad range of application areas. It is an established technique for the analysis of bulk materials such as organic mixtures, soils, fluids, and inorganic minerals. Thanks to the relatively simple operation of the system and the broad range of applications covered, EA-IRMS has become the primary mode of stable isotope ratio analysis in many laboratories. In EA-IRMS, the elemental analyzer combusts the solid or liquid sample via high-temperature combustion or pyrolysis to gaseous products before passing to the isotope ratio mass spectrometer for the determination of its isotopic composition. 

Our portfolio of elemental analyzer inlets for EA-IRMS

The elemental analyzer inlets we offer for EA-IRMS are the most technically advanced available and are truly integrated with our isotope ratio mass spectrometers. With our unique Advanced Purge and Trap (APT) technology for separating and focusing post-combustion gas mixtures, our instruments have pioneered multi-elemental N, C & S isotopic analysis from a single sample for over 10 years. Combined with the zero-blank ball valve sample introduction system and tool-free routine maintenance, your analysis will be straightforward, no matter how complex the sample. The large dynamic measurement range of our elemental analyzer inlets allows measurement of samples in the low microgram as well as in the two-digit milligram range. Possible applications range from organic material to sediments with only trace amounts of organic material. Together with their outstanding precision, all our elemental analyzer inlets for EA-IRMS are versatile and reliable solutions for stable isotope analysis in a wide range of sample types. 


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