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Screenshot of multi-variate analysis with ArDB
Organic elemental analyzer vario EL cube
Nitrogen and protein analyzer rapid MAX N exceed
TOC and TNb analyzer vario TOC cube
Inorganic elemental analyzer inductar EL cube
Instrument for optical emission spectrometry (OES) ferro.lyte®
Isotope ratio mass spectrometer isoprime precisION
Screenshot of multi-variate analysis with ArDB
Organic elemental analyzer vario EL cube
Organic elemental analyzers
Nitrogen and protein analyzers
TOC analyzers
Inorganic elemental analyzers
Optical emission spectrometers
Stable isotope analyzers
Organic elemental analyzers
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Product portfolio

Our product portfolio comprises of a wide range of organic and inorganic elemental analyzers, nitrogen and protein analyzers, total organic carbon (TOC) analyzers, optical emission spectrometers, stable isotope analyzers, and software solutions. 

Elementar Product Portfolio Brochure
Elementar Product Portfolio Brochure
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Elemental analyzer vario EL cube

Organic elemental analyzers

Our organic elemental analyzers are designed to offer industry-leading versatility in elemental analysis. Thanks to our proprietary Advanced Purge and Trap (APT) technology, even the most challenging C:N elemental ratios of up to 12,000:1 can be reliably measured. Optional conversion kits make it possible to upgrade every instrument at any time for special applications.

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Nitrogen and protein analyzer rapid MAX N exceed

Nitrogen and protein analyzers

All our nitrogen and protein analyzers use the high-temperature combustion method according to Dumas to determine the nitrogen content of a sample with highest precision and accuracy. Our analyzers are dedicated instruments serving today’s customer needs regarding price per sample, throughput, and sensitivity.

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TOC analyzer vario TOC cube

TOC and water analyzers

Our TOC and water analyzers  offer fast and easy determination of total organic carbon (TOC) in liquids and solids. Packed with innovative technologies and features, the robust design guarantees highest possible uptime and unrivaled performance for routine operation.


C, H, N, O, S analyzer inductar EL cube

Inorganic elemental analyzers

Our inorganic elemental analyzers offer easy and accurate analysis of carbon, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen in inorganic materials. The innovative design impresses with reduced time requirements due to minimal cleaning efforts as well as convenient, fast analyses thanks to easy handling and low maintenance.


Mobile spectrometer ferro.lyte®

Optical emission spectrometers

Our optical emission spectrometers with spark excitation are completely mobile thanks to the innovative all-in-one concept. In addition, our spark spectrometers impress with intuitive, easy operation and reliable results at the push of a button. The determination of the mass fraction or the identification of metals and their alloys is also highly precise and delivers results in laboratory quality.


Isotope ratio mass spectrometer isoprime precisION

Stable isotope analyzers

We offer a versatile product portfolio of stable isotope analyzers with high-performance stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers. In conjunction with a comprehensive range of complimentary peripheral inlet systems, our stable isotope analyzers provide high performance measurements of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur isotopes in solid, liquid, and gaseous samples.


Screenshot of multi-variate analysis with ArDB


To complement our portfolio of instrumentation, we offer a range of software products providing a brand-new user experience whilst working with our instruments and analyzing data. Our analytical results database ArDB allows you to easily compile a database of any analytical result (even with data generated from non Elementar instruments), whilst our lyticOS® Software Suite offers unparalleled control of our analyzers.


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