lyticOS® ソフトウェアは、ionOS® の基本原理を継承しながらも、従来のような安定同位体比質量分析装置だけでなく、元素分析装置、TOC分析装置、ならびに発光分光分析装置まで適応を拡大し、当社の分析ソリューションの共通プラットフォームとしてデビューしました。
あなたがionOSのお気に入りはすべてlyticOSにも引き継がれています。 すべてのサンプルデータ、タスクリスト、メソッドワークフロー、およびライブラリは引き続きご利用になれます。 分析装置の操作方法はこれまでと同様に行えますが、優れた新たな幾つかの機能が加わりました。
The stable isotope software
ionOS is the most advanced stable isotope software ever created, developed to make your sample analysis effortless. With the increasing demand on the modern-day laboratory for ever more efficiency, ionOS is the ideal IRMS software to support you with your data analysis, saving you time and money whilst generating data more consistently.
This feature-rich IRMS software has been designed from the ground up for the stable isotope analysis and works in concert with our stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers and inlet systems, providing exceptional automation and sophistication in your EA and GC data processing. When used in conjunction with one of our mass spectrometers, ionOS provides you with as much information as is necessary to verify that your IRMS system is working to specifications, and allows you to control sample runs and schedule tasks. Moreover, ionOS is also able to process third-party data, offering unparalleled gains for the entire stable isotope community.
Highlights of ionOS
thanks to a high degree of automation in data processing and instrument optimization
Better repeatability between sample batches, users, and instruments
due to automatically performed data processing
Easy to use
thanks to the user-friendly, graphical user interface
Works on standard PCs
which comply with minimum specification, compatibility with Windows® 10 (64 bit)
ionOS free trial
Take advantage of faster, more robust data processing in stable isotope analysis today with our three-month free trial. The ionOS free trial supports the import of other ionOS data files, IonVantage data files and third-party data (as .dxf* or .csv) and is available to the entire stable isotope community as a standalone data processing client.
*.dxf is a file format of ThermoFisher Scientific Inc

What have our customers gained by using the ionOS IRMS software?

We really enjoy working with ionOS. All the gas analysis we did in the beginning of 2015 (more than a thousand samples) were calculated and validated with ionOS! We have saved a lot of time. It is very useful for batches of a hundred samples and to check standards.
Dominique Duclerc // Fluids and Organic Geochemistry Lab, TOTAL S.A., France

Our lab runs whole crude oils with hundreds of peaks, of which only a select number are of interest. Peak mapping makes selecting only those peaks across large data sets a quick and easy process, saving us a huge amount of time and effort. Even when there is a change in retention time ionOS can determine where the peaks of interest have shifted to.
Craig Barrie // Oil Isotope Lab, GeoMark Research, Houston, USA

I’m VERY impressed by ionOS, especially the calibrations part. It’s basically doing what I always wanted other software to do, but it never seemed to work or wasn’t clear enough. This applies to a lot of chromatography quantifying packages I’ve used.
Dave Hughes // Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK

Although I use a different IRMS instrument, I use ionOS for the processing of my GC isotope data. ionOS has sharply accelerated my work thanks to the great convenience, user-friendly interface, and advanced functionality: thank you!
I love ionOS and I also feel the huge potential of ionOS in the future, which will very much contribute to our isotope science community.Yoshito Chikaraishi // Department of Biogeochemistry JAMSTEC, Japan
Licensing, documentation, and support
License types
There are two ionOS license types available for purchase:
Features | ionOS Data Processing License | ionOS Import License |
Number of PCs on which the license can be installed | 1 | 3 |
Full offline (not connected to an instrument) EA and GC data processing | ✓ | ✓ |
Import of ionOS Archive Files (*.iarc) | ✓ | ✓ |
Import of IonVantage RAW data files | - | ✓ |
Import of third-party data files (*.csv, *.dxf, *.run) | - | ✓ |
Please contact usto purchase ionOS licenses. Discounts may be available when purchasing multiple licenses – please do not hesitate to get in touch with us for more information.
Free trial
You can try ionOS' innovative data processing capabilities by downloading a free 90-day trial . The free trial supports full offline (not connected to an instrument) EA and GC data processing with both IonVantage and Third-Party import functionality.
At Elementar, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest level of service and support for you. We offer the following services for you:
Search the Knowledgebaseto see if there are any documents that already address your particular issue
Raise a support ticketto get personal and confidential help directly from our experts
Login to access My ionOS Licencesto manage and download your license files
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