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A black and white colored picutre of a scientist called Justus von Liebig
3 articles
Professor of Chemistry
Justus von Liebig
Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) was one of the pioneers of elemental analysis and is often called the father of organic chemistry. He was working from 1824 - 1852 as professor in chemistry at the university in Gießen. His most famous development is the "kali-apparat", a five-bulb device. The Liebig five-bulb apparatus contains the basic techniques of the apparatus, for which Maximillian Dennstedt applied for a patent in 1903. This patent was the start for the spread of industrial elemental analysis. In Justus von Liebig's blog articles, we imagined what he would tell us nowadays about the history of elemental analysis.
All articles from Justus von Liebig
Futuristic laboratory
I pionieri dell'analisi elementare - uno sguardo al futuro digitalizzato
Il famoso chimico e scienziato Justus von Liebig ci accompagna in un viaggio attraverso lo sviluppo dell'analisi elementare e incontra il nostro Amministratore Delegato per un caffè immaginario...
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